Why Caroline Schmidt is the Most Fit College Girl You Should Know

Alright. So I was on Insta­gram the other day and hap­pened to troll over the pho­tos of this smokeshow named Car­o­line. She is prob­a­bly the most fit girl i’ve ever seen, but i’m not com­plain­ing! Trust me, you DON’T want to get into a fight with this girl. Her abs alone are prob­a­bly stronger than your whole body. Either way, I dig fit girls, and Car­o­line is def­i­nitely one of them that I now have a crush on.

Make sure you fol­low Car­o­line on Insta­gram —-> @caroline_sunshineee.  If YOU are inter­ested in being fea­tured on UniversityPrimetime.com , then e-mail [email protected] your pic­tures with your insta­gram handle!

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