The Top Universities In Africa

Let’s face it Africa is one beautiful place to live, and you should really take advantage of it. Did you know that some of the best doctors and lawyers in the world are from Africa? Many people don’t think of it, because they live in their own country. The country I live in must be the best right? Well you always have to root for your home and your country.. but that doesn’t mean your home and your country is the best place to exactly be.

If you are studying abroad, getting your undergraduate degree, getting your graduate degree, or even going on vacation you may want to book your flight to Africa. I will see you on the other side.. in Africa.

Listed below is an undisputed list of the top schools in Africa:


Ashesi University – Specialized in ethics and entrepreneurship, a great university of college students.


University of Botswana – 16,000 undergraduate students with a variation of many majors. Swimming pool is really nice :).


University of Nairobi – Kenya   – 57,000 students with a specilization in biotechnology,bioinformatics, HIV prevention and research. Nuclear science and technology as well for infectious diseases. Nairobi also has a huge range of many different majors.


Cairo University – Egypt –   Wait is Egpyt in Africa? Huh.. what.. it is? Yeah it actually is believe it or not. 45,000 students at one beautiful place. Political science, information technology, science, and pharmacology are widley known throughout the university. Cairo has over 45,000 students and guess what? It’s not in Egypt it’s in Africa!!

American University In Cairo – Egypt is an American-style and liberal arts college that focuses on teaching. If you like America but you want to see Africa(which you should) you really want to give this university a chance.


University of Pretoria –   The picture kind of reminds me of harry potter.. but the guy and the girl kissing doesn’t. University of Pretoria is a multi campus public research university and one of the best public research universities not only in Africa, but in the world.


University of Cape Town –  The best university in all of Africa, although it is certaintly debatable. It is a public research university located in South Africa. The university offers many different options. Psychology, science, engineering, education, sociology, and many more majors. This university is really the big deal not only in Africa, but across the world.


So their you have it guys, some of the best universities in Africa. If you are interested in undergraduate and graduate programs as well as study abroad programs, you should really check out these colleges. Good luck guys, we love to see you roll on your adventures in life.




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