Top 125 Colleges Students Are Most Thankful For Attending We’re known for our college rankings. If you go to our Campus Life section on our website and click the College Rankings category, you know by now we’ve done every ranking you could possibly imagine. Whether it was rankings the Top Party Schools or rankings the Hottest Girls, or ranking the colleges with the Smartest Students , we’ve done it all. Now it’s time to rank the Top 125 Colleges where students are “most thankful” for attending.

Here’s how we figured out this ranking. We researched how many times students are most likely to come back to their college after graduation. Also, we looked at how many students stay on their campus for the full four years without transferring. Finally, we looked into how much fun students have at their college day in and day out. Out of thousands of colleges nationwide, we compiled our list of the Top 125. If your college didn’t make the list, COMMENT below on the article letting us know why your college deserved to make it!!! Lastly, remember to FOLLOW US on INSTAGRAM —-> HERE . Here is our list of the Top 125 Colleges Students are most thankful for Attending: 

125. Southern Methodist University

124. Columbia University

123. Boston University

122. University of Maine

121.University of Connecticut

120. University of Illinois at Chicago

119. University of Tampa

118. Seton Hall Univeristy

117. Loyola University Maryland

116. SUNY Stony Brook

115. University of San Francisco

114. SUNY New Paltz

113. Catholic University of America

112. Chapman University

111. Georgia Tech

110. Colorado State University

109. SUNY Albany

108. Florida Atlantic University

107. George Washington University

106. Towson University

105. Tulane University

104. University at Buffalo

103. University of Iowa

102. University of Pittsburgh

101. University of San Diego

100. Loyola Marymount University

99. San Francisco State University

98. TCNJ

97. Vanderbilt University

96. Sonoma State University

95. James Madison University

94. Iowa State University

93. Southern Illinois University

92. University of Hawaii

91. Texas A&M University

90. Kent State University

89. UMass Dartmouth

88. University of New Haven

87. Quinnipiac University

86. West Virginia University

85. florida gulf coast university

84. East Carolina University

83. University of Wisconsin Eau Claire

82. University of North Carolina Wilmington

81. University of Florida

80. Bloomsburg University

79. Monmouth University

78. University of Colorado at Boulder

77.  Illinois State University

76. Old Dominion University

75. Georgia State University

74. University of Tennessee

73. California State University Fullerton

71. University of Arkansas

70. Boise State University

69. Auburn University

68. Pepperdine University

67. University of Oklahoma

66. High Point University

65. University of Maryland College Park

64. SUNY Cortland

63. University of Mississippi (Ole Miss)

62.  Fordham University

61. Florida State University

Syracuse University: The university so thankful it got listed twice… at both 79 and 6….

The methodology behind this list is moronic. Notice entire sectors of schools missing from this list? I’m sure those students, notably at smaller colleges, had horrible experiences, even though they notably are more loyal and those schools have a higher retention rate. Nice try.

Bowling Green State Universiry is probably one of the most underrated colleges in the nation, I am blessed to be attending

it’s basically open admission, not a whole lot to do there and one of the worst public schools in ohio (you’re in the rankings with Kent State, Toledo, Akron) don’t think you’re underrrated at all

Your are dusty nigga

The data used to compile this list has absolutely no correlation to how “thankful” students are towards their college. This methodolody is akin to that of what a toddler would come up with. “We looked in to have much fun students have at their college”. How the hell does that turn into a quantitative measure that can accurately be portrayed and ranked in a list? You usually have good articles, but this seems forced, extremely biased, and unprofessional.

cry about it lameass

I’m thankful for zero student loans and full financial aid via grants only from Vanderbilt. That’s a serious $220,000 to be thankful for… Definitely the most important metric to me personally

Where’s University of Dayton?!

BABSON beats Bentley 1000fold and was rated #1 return on investment

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