15 Things That Are True When You’re a Female Bro

Girlfriends are great, but guy friends may be even better. From a girl who’s always been a female bro, here are the best perks that come with being one of the bros:


1. You experience alcohol in a completely different way: no longer are you reserving drinking for Wine Wednesdays, or weekend shots. Instead you get used to casually having a few beers on a weeknight while watching a game, or just hanging out. You drink more recreationally, instead of drinking to get drunk.

2. If you only watched sporting events superficially with your dad or brother, this changes when you’re a female bro. Suddenly you begin to pay attention…because everyone else is! Eventually you begin to match players to teams, teams to states, and you even trash talk your bros’ favorite teams. And no, you’re not faking it.


3. You have to explain to your non-female bro’s that no, you’re not dating any of the guys. You get used to getting looks from other guys in public who jump to the same conclusion, and begin to get tired of telling people “they’re not my boyfriends, they’re my bros.”


4. On a related note, you eventually find out (probably when one of them is drunk) that at least one of your bros thinks you’re cute. You get used to it, once you realize that basically all of your guy friends most likely would sleep with you if given the opportunity. The awesome part? It doesn’t ruin your bond, it’s just a compliment.


5. Bodily functions, like farts and burps, that are commonly associated with guys no longer phase you. In fact, you may even join them when they try to burp the alphabet.


6. You eat food in a completely different way with your guy friends. Gone are the days of eating pizza with silverware, or pretending you’re full when you really DO want that extra slice. With guy friends, you can eat as much as you want without being judged because they’re not looking at you. What they’re really doing is scarfing their food in a secret competition to see who can get the last few wings.


7. You get honest opinions. If your dress makes you look fat, you can bet your bro will tell you so, and he’ll probably tell you bluntly, simply because he doesn’t have to lie to you. You’re close and you’re friends; he’s responsible for being honest with you even if it might initially make you feel silly.


8. Your close friendship with guys makes you appreciate your girlfriends more, because you’re used to hanging out with members of the opposite sex. Both have their pros and cons, and now you know what they are, how to deal with them, and most importantly, why you love them.


9. You learn cool things that you always wanted to know how to do. Like how to properly shot gun a beer, shoot a paint ball gun, and how to play pool like an expert.


10. Going to parties becomes difficult if ratio is used at your college as it is at some universities. While you may have to scramble to find an adequate number of girls to balance out the ratio, you always have a great time when you party with the guys, and you have insta protection from creeps. Hello, fake boyfriend excuse.


11. You realize that you can be yourself. Sure, the guys will notice if you show up in high heels vs. your flip flops but the beautiful thing? You don’t have to care. You’re just friends. You can rock the sweatpants, get dolled up, and not have to worry about being judged for it.


12. While being a bro is great, you also realize that some girls mistake your friendship for promiscuity. Unfortunately this can lead to you being labelled as a “slut,” but at least you’ll know it isn’t true…and worst case scenario? You have an army of bros to put someone in her place.


13. You can get great advice. This is especially useful when you’re pursuing a guy who isn’t your bro, and you want a second opinion as to whether he’s sweet or shady. A guy will recognize another guy’s true motive before a girl ever will, simply because guys know how other guys think. Think of your bros as the background checks to any potential boyfriend.


14. You play wingwoman. Why wouldn’t you help your bro out by talking him up to a cute girl? Girls will most likely listen to other girls before they listen to a guy spit game, so your word counts more than you’d think.


15. You can finally say things like “Bro’s over hoe’s” and have it be 100%, completely true.



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