The Best Things By Far About College. #4 Couldn’t Be More True.

Arti­cle via our friends over at You def­i­nitely want to check them out, trust me.

Your final years of being a teenager are upon you and your 20s are just about to begin. They say your 20s are the best years of your life, and they’d be right! So make the most of them.

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Col­lege is where every­one really explores the oppo­site sex and starts seri­ously dat­ing. As a teenager, you haven’t the most edu­cated per­cep­tion about the oppo­site sex and what you are look­ing for in a part­ner. Expe­ri­ence is key, so don’t set­tle down with the first per­son you lay your eyes on.

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Col­leges have hun­dreds of dif­fer­ent clubs and soci­eties which cater for everyone’s inter­ests, sports and hob­bies. Get­ting involved is the best way to meet new peo­ple with sim­i­lar inter­ests as you and make new friends.

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Col­lege sports have teams at vary­ing lev­els in all sorts of sports, for the seri­ous ath­letes to the peo­ple who are just play­ing for a laugh. The inter-college games are fueled with added ban­ter and com­pe­ti­tion which every­one loves to get involved in.

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You won’t have to deal with teach­ers chas­ing you down for sick notes or ask­ing why you haven’t com­pleted your home­work assign­ment any­more. You are the only per­son in con­trol of you.

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You’ll hang onto your col­lege friends for life. They are there through your most for­ma­tive years and most of the time you’ll share the same inter­ests, as you all chose the same college/career path on your own.

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You don’t have a bar on your school’s ter­ri­tory, but at col­lege you’ve got at the very least, one bar where you can go and neck a cheap pint of Fos­ters before strolling into your lec­ture 20 min­utes late. Or not. The choice is yours.

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Pro­cras­ti­na­tion seems to be born and bred in col­lege. The key is to acutely bal­ance your work­load and pro­cras­ti­na­tion lev­els. Too much of one thing can tip the scales and leave you with a hor­rid col­lege expe­ri­ence, so make sure you strike a good bal­ance between the two.

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Unlike school, where you’re forced to study a bunch of sub­jects, some of which you’re inevitably going to hate, col­lege life allows you to hone in on one spe­cific arena which you are inter­ested in and begin to develop your ana­lyt­i­cal skills in that area.

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Stu­dents and scroungi­ness beau­ti­fully inter­twine with one another. Stu­dents are syn­ony­mous with drink­ing beer and liv­ing cheaply, and damn do they do it well!

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Col­lege nights out are with­out a doubt the most insane and liveli­est around. Enjoy them as much as you can because once you get a sta­ble 9–5 job, you won’t be able to get shit­faced at 3pm on a Tues­day and head into work the next morn­ing hangover-free.

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