Teen Gets 232 “teeth” Removed in Mumbai


Ashik Gavai, a 17-year-old stu­dent from Buld­hana, under­went the six-hour oper­a­tion, which involved four doc­tors at Mumbai’s J.J. Hos­pi­tal on July 21.

The teen had 232 den­ti­cles — abnor­mal teeth-like growth — lodged in his mouth due to a com­plex com­pos­ite odon­toma, a benign den­tal tumor.

The abnor­mal teeth were embed­ded in the bone inside the lower right jaw and were not vis­i­ble from out­side the mouth. Sur­geons say the surgery was “dan­ger­ous” and the patient’s jaw­bone will take three to four months to heal.

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