You Might Be Alive But Are You Living?

Do you ever notice how they say, “Life’s too short” and “You have your whole life ahead of you.” These two sayings are complete opposites so which one do we follow? Sure we could put things off and not act on impulse because we have our wholes lives ahead of us, or we could live in the moment. Honestly life is too short in my opinion. It’s a precious thing that we take for granted everyday when it could be taken away in an instant.


With that being said, act on your impulses. Don’t worry about what the future has in store because if you let things happen, the future will unfold by itself. I mean I’m not saying that you should be cheating on your boyfriend because of an impulse or stop trying to succeed in life. What I mean is if you like someone, tell them. If you want to buy those shoes, then buy the damn shoes. Stop making up excuses as to why you can’t or shouldn’t do something.


At this day in age we are so set on planning for someday that we forget to live. We spend all this time planning and no time experiencing life. Experience it. Take risks. It may be over sooner than you anticipated and when you look back you want to be able to say that you’ve experienced some of the best days of your life. Stop waiting for Friday, for summer, for time to pass. Do something.


As cliché as it sounds, we really need to start living our lives more. Don’t hold back. Tell people how you feel, because you never know if that will be the last time you see them. Don’t spend hours thinking of the “what if’s,” enjoy your time here. Stop wasting your time with toxic people and worrying about who your enemies newest subtweet was about. Who cares if you don’t get 100+ likes on your Instagram picture or 10+ favorites on your tweet. Stop seeking approval from everyone. Stop bragging about the material items you have. In the scheme of things none of that stuff really matters. What matters is how you treat others and how you carry yourself. Sure there are going to be people you meet that you do not like and some people aren’t going to like you either but hey, that’s just life. Deal with it but don’t dwell on it.


So pick your head out of your phone screen when you’re walking, hold the door for people, be polite, be considerate, and don’t go out of your way to make others miserable. Because if you were told you had a week left to live, would you be wasting your time caught up on the fact you only got 30 likes on your latest picture or subtweeting about the people who annoy you? I really hope not.



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