Ladies: What Your Choice Of Party Attire Says About You

When you first walk into a party, there are several things you’re on the lookout for.  First, where are your friends?  Second, where is the alcohol?  Third, what’s everyone wearing?  For some people, that third subject is more important than others, but I think everyone spends at least a little time at a party scoping out what the other guys and girls are wearing.

SEE ALSO: Guys: What Your Choice Of Party Attire Says About You

Chances are, they chose their outfit just as carefully as you chose theirs, which is why it pays to look closely.  People say a lot about themselves with their choice of clothing.  Depending on what you wear to a party, here’s what you’re saying about yourself.


What it says about you: “I’m sick, exhausted, dealing with depression, or am just one of those people who say they don’t give a crap and actually mean it.”

A little black dress:

What it says about you: “I bought this dress specifically to wear to parties, because there are literally a million ways to wear it.  Please compliment me.  Please.”

A high fashion party dress:

What it says about you: “I want every other girl at this party to hate me because I look like a goddamn runway model.”

A bikini top:

What it says about you: “I’M SO WILD AND FREE AND FUN!  Who cares if my boob pops out?  Lol, YOLO, right?!”


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