Got A Pimple? These Pimple Hacks Will Change Your Life Forever.

Ever have a pimple? I would say 90% of college students probably have had a pimple in their lifetime. If I knew these pimple hacks when I had my horrible cases of acne back in the day, I would’ve got with so many more girls. Too bad I was dumb and never learned these until now after all my acne has been cleared already. Oh well I guess?

WAIT.… If you don’t know what is by now, get your head straight, SERIOUSLY. It’s kind of the hottest col­lege web­site in the world right now, so give us a LIKE on Face­book —> HERE and give us a FOLLOW on Twitter/Instagram–> @UPrimetime. You won’t regret it. We have some awe­some give­aways in the near future! 

Either way, whether you still get pimples or not, this will change your life. Enjoy!

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