Earth Was Nearly Destroyed in 2012, Says NASA

NASA offi­cials have con­firmed that earth was nearly hit by a huge solar flare back in 2012. 

The close call hap­pened on July 23, 2012 but we just man­aged to escape, thanks to lucky tim­ing.

Sci­en­tists say the most pow­er­ful solar storm in more than a cen­tury was occur­ring, but for­tu­nately the sun was nar­rowly turned away from earth, so we escaped with­out inci­dent. 

If the storm had of occurred just one week ear­lier, earth would have been in the line of fire.

NASA says a direct hit would have wiped out com­mu­ni­ca­tion net­works and elec­tri­cal grids around the world.


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