College Bro Sends Woman Unsolicited Dick Pic. Woman Responds By Finding His Mom And Sending It To Her.

His mom’s going to be especially upset by that mess in his hallway.

A guy using the dating app Let’s Date learned an unfortunate lesson in courtship last week, when he sent an unsolicited photo of his penis to a girl who simply wasn’t having it. Tumblr useraheartbeatchanged received the above group of messages from a guy she never met, and proceeded to explain why shoving his genitals into her phone wasn’t the best way to get permission to do the same IRL.


This is why more attention needs to be paid to young boys by America’s English teachers. Not just to teach them the difference between “you’re” and “your,” but if they have a grasp of the language they might be able to use it to send entreaties to women that are slightly more poetic than, “Look. Penis. Want?”

This woman chose to bypass the school system, and instead used Facebook to go straight to the source of this guy’s woman problem.


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