6 Reasons being a gym rat is a good thing! University Primetime

1)      Your body will look amazing

Obviously, you will start to look better because of all those muscles you’ve been building. Or the weight you are losing

2)      You will feel better

When you work out you start to feel better, after the pain of leg day, and feel invincible!

3)      The opposite sex will be even more attracted to you

With the confidence you will have from looking good and feeling good, you will start to give off signals that the opposite sex will start to come up to you more frequently. Cheesy pick-up lines will no longer be used by you

4)      Your fitness will be out of this world

You will start to gain cardio and build muscles that you didn’t know you had and even do things you previously thought were impossible for you.

5)      You’ll make gym friends

While you’re in the gym you are sure to find someone who will spot you and eventually you will probably get off the subject of how much protein you both get in a day, or what pre-workout you use, and start to hang out outside the gym and become good friends. (This is how my best friend and I met!)

6)      You’ll start to be intimidating

This may not be good, but this will help you if some drunk guy wants to come harass you or try to fight you. You’ll have the ability to make other people scared and even not want to come near you.

There is a very high chance that you won’t experience all of these. But you will see some of these come true almost all the time, I have seen it happen and have had it happened to me. My best friend is someone I played football with, we spotted each other in the weight room and even played lacrosse together later, our relationship was built on sports and lifting. Now we have worked together for 4 years and coached together, the gym builds a bond that very little other things can.

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