50 Photos You Must See


1. A Streaker at the Acad­emy Awards


Academy Awards Streaker



2. Babe Ruth in Color


Babe Ruth Color



3. Osama Bin Laden Prac­tic­ing Judo


Bin Laden Judo



4. Ethiopian Woman Looks Through Vogue


Ethiopian Woman Discovers Vogue



5. Young Boy Watches TV for the First Time


Boy Watches TV for First Time



6. Per­fectly Timed Pic­ture of Three Deer






7. A Young Bill Clin­ton Meets Pres­i­dent Kennedy


Clinton Meets Kennedy



8. Jimi Hen­drix in the Mil­i­tary (1962)


Hendrix Guitar in Military 62



9. A Storm in the Bermuda Triangle


Bermuda Triangle



10. Moham­mad Ali Talks a Man off of a Ledge


Ali Talks Guy off Ledge



11. Hol­ly­wood­land





12. The KKK on a Fer­ris Wheel


KKK Ferris Wheel



13. A Real Photo of A Hydro­gen Atom


Hydrogen Atom



14. A Shaved Polar Bear


Shaved Polar Bear



14. Oasis Play­ing to a Mas­sive Crowd


Oasis Large Crowd



15. George W. Bush First Hear­ing of the 9/11 Attacks


GWB 9:11



16. The Man Who Arguably Took The World’s Most Rec­og­niz­able Photograph


Guy that Took Windows Wallpaper Picture



17. Unedited Pic­ture of the Sos­susvlei Sand Dunes


Sossusvlei Sand Dunes



18. A Fake, Unin­hab­ited Vil­lage in North Korea


N. Korea Fake Village



19. Abe Lin­coln Near the Begin­ning and End of his Presidency


Abe Lincoln First and Last Photos



20. Char­lie Chap­lin and Albert Ein­stein Meeting


Einstein & Chaplin



21. Sen­a­tor John McCain Being Cap­tured By the Vietnamese


John McCain Being Capture by Vietnamese



22. Jack­son Pol­lack Painting





23. Test­ing of the First Bul­let Proof Vest


Man Tests Bulletproof Vest



24. Early Fem­i­nist, Anne Keller­man, Dressed Scandalously


Feminist Annette Kellerman



25. King Tut’s Remains Being Freshly Examined


First Examination of King Tut



26. Catholic Wife and Protes­tant Husband’s Graves


Catholic Woman & Protest Husband Graves



27. MGM Lion Being Videotaped


MGM Lion Being Shot



28. Writer, Leo Tol­stoy Tells His Grand­chil­dren a Story


Tolstoy story to Grandkids



29. Dou­ble Rain­bow and Lightening


Double rainbow and lightning at dawn over Lolo



30. The Man with the World’s Biggest Biceps


Biggest Biceps



31. Nazi Rally


Nazi Rally



32. A Photo of Sat­urn with the Earth Cir­cled in the Background


Saturn with Earth Circles



33. Woman Drink­ing Tea After the Ger­man Bomb­ing of London


Drinking Tea after German Bombing of London



34. 106 Year Old Armen­ian Woman Pro­tect­ing Her House (1990)


1990, a 106 year-old Armenian woman guards her house



35. Space Ship Fly­ing Above the Statue of Liberty


Space Ship Flying Over Statue of Liberty



36. Robert Wad­low, the Tallest Man of All Time


Robert Wadlow



37. The First Skin Transplant


First Skin Transpant



38. Decep­tive Photo Taken in Parga, Greece





39. Real Life Shrek


Real Life Shrek



40. Irish Teen Yells at a British Soldier


Irish Teen Yells at British Soldier During Irish UNrest



41. Heart Sur­geon After a 23 Hour Surgery (Nurse Asleep in Back)


Heart Surgeon After 23 Hour Surgery



42. PoW Faces Himmler


PoW Faces Himmler



43. Ten­nis Atop an Airplane


Tennis Atop PLace



44. Charles B. Tripp, the Arm­less Wonder


Charles B. Tripp Armless Wonder



45. Sol­dier Hold­ing a Butterfly


Soldier Holding Butterfly



46. Ronald Rea­gan Tears Down the Berlin Wall


Reagan Tears Down the Wall



47. Frank Sinatra’s Mugshot


Frank Sinatra Mugshot



48. Steve Jobs Unveils the First iPod



49. John D. Rock­e­feller Hand­ing Out Dimes


John D. Rockefeller hand out dime



50. Engi­neers Stand­ing Atop a Burn­ing Windmill


Windmill with Engineers on It


Boston College Student. Wearer of Extra Medium Pants. Lover of the Key of C#m. Collector of Wishing Well Change. Writer of Your Thoughts.

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