5 Classic Movies All College Students Should See


1. Modern Times



A silent movie? By Charlie Chaplin? How could that be good? Well it actually is and it’s probably pretty applicable to your life. Charlie is broke, looks for a job, runs away with a girl, goes to jail, and does drugs (accidentally?). Along with the fact that it is hilarious, Chaplin will say more with one lift of his brow than most actors say today in 90 minutes.


2. American Graffiti



George Lucas did something other than Star Wars. Yes. And it was pretty good. The scene: it’s the night before you go away to college. What do you an your friends do? What decisions do you make? How does the night turn out? Called “the greatest movie nothing happens in,” let Lucas take you on a journey that though 50 years old, is just as applicable as it was when it came out.


3. Animal House



The first real college movie. Toga…Toga…Toga…You know the deal.


4. The Graduate



You ever slept with a classmate? How bout your TA? How bout your professor? The dean? The mother of a girl you’d also slept with? Yeah. That sorta happens. Comes complete with a Simon & Garfunkel soundtrack and a timeless performance by Dustin Hoffman.


5. The Breakfast Club



John Hughes sorta just understood teenage angst. Sometimes we just need a little nostalgia in our lives. Tune in to be moved.

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