12 Realities of Being in a College Relationship:

1. You sleep at each other’s dorm rooms on the reg- which probably pisses off your roommates more than they let on



2. You enjoy parties more simply because you don’t have the pressure of finding someone attractive to hook up with. You can drink, dance, and best of all judge people together.


3. Laundry day becomes a joint activity. If your socks don’t always have a match, at least you do!


4. You always have someone foolproof to eat with at the dining hall/attend games and other events with


5. You have to put girls/guys in their proper places when they try hitting on what’s yours. (We already knew all these hoes weren’t loyal)




6. You register for classes together as a support system. While you may not be able to motivate yourself to go to class, you know you’ll go if you S/O is


7. They have your back, and you have theirs, because we all know some crazy shit can go down in college


8. If in Greek life, you get to go to formals together!


9. You’ve cleaned up after them after they’ve thrown up from drinking too much


10. Their friends become your friends, and your friends become their friends…so basically everyone’s friends


11. You hate the same people and have those trademark looks/signals you give each other whenever you see one of them


12. You’re celebrities in a sense since you’re doing the unusual; having a relationship in college!

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