10 Types of College Students We All Hate

1. People who use the phrase, “check your privilege”

These are the people who feel it’s their mission in life to inform you and those around you about how the world works and how you should be living your life. Usually it’s the people that are overly educated, or at least pretend to be, trying to enlighten you about how they are superior to you because they took a college course on “Gender and Sexuality”. Instead of telling me how I am ignorant or self obsessed, why don’t you go read some Sylvia Plath and fuck off.

2. People who are too busy texting to hold the door open for you.

These people drive me crazy. The other day some guy held a door open for a girl and she walked right by him without even saying “thank you” because she was too busy texting. I’ve been almost hit in the face with the door before because of situations like this. Texting doesn’t give you an excuse to be oblivious to what is going around you. Put down your phone for half a second and act like a human being or so help me God I will take your phone and pull a Russell Brand and toss that shit.

3.People who ask to borrow your pen on a daily basis and never return it to you.

These people are the bane of my existence. Don’t ask to borrow something if you aren’t going to return it. I’m obviously going to give you a pen if you see I have multiple ones because I don’t want to look like an asshole, but at the same time, I expect you to give it back to me. It’s not my fault you don’t come prepared to class. Today some girl asked to borrow my pen and I loaned it to her. At the end of the class she asked me if I wanted my pen back- only to inform me that she had been chewing on it. So needless to say, she’s now on my list.

4. People who exclusively send mass Snapchats

I admit that I occasionally send mass Snapchats. I don’t do it all the time though because it’s fucking annoying. I don’t need to know about every little thing going on in your life. Snapchat is meant to be a goofy exchange between just a few friends. I get mass Snapchats from people I have never sent a Snapchat back to. If I don’t respond to your Snapchats, then maybe you should take the hint that you’re annoying me and that I don’t appreciate the fact that you think the sandwich you made was so good it was worth documenting.

5. People who say they just “couldn’t get into Harry Potter”.

It’s common knowledge that the only people who don’t like Harry Potter are the ones who haven’t read the books or seen the movies. Just say you don’t know much about it, but don’t act like you’re above Harry Potter or that it’s a stupid thing to like because it’s so widely loved. Just because something has mass appeal doesn’t make it bad and by saying you don’t like Harry Potter, you’re basically admitting that you’re a classist fuck.


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